What is greymatter?

Powerful tools deliver powerful results

greymatter is a full life cycle higher-education CRM. It delivers a 360-degree view of the student experience, automates everyday, repetitive tasks and integrates with leading higher-education systems and platforms.

AI-driven insights and nudges unlock student potential

Our AI engine continuously analyzes data to optimize student experiences. It helps identify students who are struggling and facilitates personal interactions with advisors.

1 campus. 0 data silos.

greymatter’s holistic data model, integration capability and Microsoft interoperability mean no more systems that can’t talk to each other. No more data silos mean no more duplication of effort.

Built on Microsoft Dynamics 365 for ease of integration and efficient workflows

greymatter is built on an enterprise-grade Dynamic 365 platform. Seamless integration with Robotic Process Automation and Microsoft’s Power Automate allows for automated workflows across most apps and services.

How It Works

Empower students. Empower on-campus teams.

Institution Operations

  • Automate business processes
  • Best-in-class technology platform 
  • Integrate with SIS, LMS,and other key legacy systems
  • Leverage Microsoft’s world-class security

Recruitment and Admissions

  • Recruit domestic and international prospects
  • Create automated campaigns to give prospects relevant information
  • Convert with application and admission management for traditional or workforce education programs

Student Experience

  • Empower students with AI features for advising, risk management and degree planning
  • Native integration with SIS and LMS
  • Track student cases to ensure they are resolved smoothly

Alumni and Partner Engagement

  • Advance your institution’s donor engagement and fundraising goals
  • Engage your alumni in continuing and workforce education offerings
  • Promote your program offerings through a seamless e-commerce experience

Guide prospects with automated, intelligent and personalized journeys

It starts with data and powerful analytics to determine preferences and patterns. Once you understand what a prospective students need, you can tailor the journey and provide nudges that deliver results.

Tools, features and capabilities to help staff and students succeed

AI-based chatbots

Potential students have questions. They can get answers to frequently asked questions 24/7 with our generative AI-based chatbot.

Communicate effectively with prospects

Reach students through multiple channels, including phone, SMS, live web chat, and social media.  

A portal for every type of user

greymatter makes it easy to create portals for prospective students, recruitment agencies, college readiness partners and high-school counselors.

Streamline your admissions process

Data collected in recruitment informs a tailored application process. Provide AI-driven multi-channel nudges to ensure that all required checklist requirements are fulfilled.

Tools, features and capabilities to help staff and students succeed

Leverage your Student Information System

greymatter meshes seamlessly with leading Student Information Systems, letting you easily manage admission offers as well as acceptance communications and processes.

Create and view student profiles

Support staff can easily track applicants throughout the admissions process. This means prospective students get the answers they need and staff can work with maximum efficiency.

You’re in control

Powerful features make everyone’s life easier. greymatter lets you determine course capacities, score applicants for limited programs, update course histories and more.

When students excel, everyone wins

Give your advisors the tools and insights they need to identify students who need a little help and then address the barriers to educational attainment they face.

Tools, features and capabilities to help staff and students succeed

Centralize student data

Bring together data from your Learning Management and Student Information Systems to empower degree planning, alerting, management of risks and advising.

Get a handle on the student journey

greymatter delivers comprehensive degree planning, guided pathways, academic progression and degree audit functionality.

Take care of the details

greymatter lets you handle queuing, virtual and in-person appointments, and resource scheduling with ease.

Let everyone know just how good you are

Rely on greymatter to promote your institution’s offerings and grow a diversified revenue base. Our Promote functionality makes life easier for your continuing education and corporate sales teams.

Tools, features and capabilities to help staff and students succeed

Engaging e-commerce experiences

Facilitate online registration right down to discounting and invoicing for corporate partners. greymatter is designed to ensure great experiences—and conversions.

Robust financial tracking

Keeps an eye on things with greymatter’s end-to-end financial tracking. It Integrates with your financial systems to give administrators the whole picture.

Sales automation

Sales teams can leverage greymatter to take clients from leads all the way through opportunity, quote, contract and invoicing. 

Why choose or switch to greymatter

Tool, features and capabilities that help students and higher-education institutions succeed

Customizable dashboards with embedded visualizations

Get the up-to-date information staff members need to do their jobs effectively. Dashboards can be defined for the institution, a department or individual users.

Social media tools and integration

Seamless integration with leading platforms means you can post and schedule content as needed. Social monitoring and sentiment analysis lets you see how well you’re connecting.

Automate workflows and business processes

Native integration with Power Automate allows the creation of automated approval workflows and actions across the most common applications and services.

Application and admission management

Comprehensive functionality helps you manage domestic and international recruiting, manage recruiting agencies and handle online applications.

Virtual agent chatbots

Online chat and chatbot can be added on the greymatter portal. Once trained on a list of FAQs, the chatbot uses deep-language learning to field a wider range of questions.

Event management and marketing automation

Organize and manage events for students, alumni and partners. Filtering and query tools make it easy to create marketing lists and execute tailored campaigns.

greymatter delivers the whole picture

For Recruiters and marketers

Our AI engine and scoring lets you focus on those with the highest likelihood of converting.

For admissions and Office of the Registrar
For advisors and counselors
For IT staff
For higher-education leaders

Looking for pricing?

Our pricing varies depending on the number of users, types and features. The best way to get a quote or range is to discuss your business needs with one of account team members.

Case Studies

Learn how we help our customers solve real-word challenges

Athabasca University

AU leaned on greymatter to improve recruitment, admittance and retention by providing complete flexibility and accessibility to online students.

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Thompson Rivers University

Centralizing records, interactions and workflows let TRU break down silos and improve every aspect of the student journey.

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Langara College

See how greymatter helped Langara attract, recruit, admit and retain international students by catering to their unique needs.

Read More


Your questions, answered

Does greymatter enable self-service?
greymatter has a self-serve portal that integrates with existing web properties to ensure consistency of branding and usability. The self-serve portal can be exposed to prospects, applicants, students, alumni, other institutional partners or the public. It’s your choice.
Will greymatter integrate with my institution systems?
greymatter operates with your SIS and other key systems. greymatter is also completely integrated with Office 365 (Outlook/Exchange, Excel, Word, etc.) and allows the use of O365-based templates (Word and Excel) to reduce manual processes.
What reporting tools does greymatter offer?
greymatter includes comprehensive reporting that can be supplemented with user-built ad-hoc queries using the advanced filtering in the Dynamics 365 platform. Reports and dashboards can be defined for the institution, departments or individual users. Dashboards provide graphical snapshots of progress against measured goals, KPIs, task lists, etc. greymatter also supports real-language reporting and analysis using Microsoft Power BI.
Does greymatter provide AI functionality?
Built on the Microsoft Azure & Power Platforms, greymatter harnesses the machine learning and AI capabilities of Azure Cognitive services and Dynamics 365. It provides predictive intelligence and prescriptive insights as well as the automation capabilities to act on that intelligence.
Does my institution need to implement the whole lifecycle if we buy greymatter?
greymatter can be configured and implemented in a phased approach. Implementations typically start with a functional area such as Recruit. From there, institutions can scale up to another functional area to start building comprehensive data.